Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter Sucks!

Being a transplant to Wisconsin from the Gulf Coast of Mississippi has been quite a cultural shock. It's not so much the difference in lifestyle (which is different), but the whole 4 seasons thing can be a real kick in the nuts. I don't mind the combined 6 months of Spring, Summer and Fall, but the the remaining 6 months of Winter is enough to take a toll on the best of men. Today I woke up to a brisk temperature of -8 degrees F with a wind chill of -20. I don' t care where you're from or how you grew up this just plain sucks. I guess of the bright side our high did reach 3 above today.


  1. Seen on mom that's nuts blog you she was 50 percent of your viewing audience, so I thought I'd drop her to 33% :-)

    Cold sucks wad. blah. it gets below 70 and it's way to cold for me
    good luck with winter.

  2. My hubby says anything below 70 is freezing. He lived in CA and the panhandle of Florida too long or was it from those Navy ships, not sure. I grew up in IN and KY.. snow and ice, use to it. Lived in Maine too.. down dang it - too dang cold there. lol

  3. Ok, I suck at the whole coversion thing (being Canadian and all) but the cold weather here is unbearable during the winter months.
    It can get to about -20 here. When it gets that bad I stay in as much as possible. You won't see me out of the house until March - at the earliest!
    It has been pretty mild the past couple of says though, 2 or three above freezing. Positively tropic! LOL.

  4. I hear you biddie - 2 or 3 above freezing I hope you're wearing your sunblock!
